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I'm getting an error  after trying to lift Elsa, in school/chapter_elza.rpy it says ivent_elza_gal is not defined

Hi! When did you download this version of the game?

I am on 0.1.5 let me download the new one


I don't know how to get photo of Riley for Littli


try the office (it's even up there in the release notes, reading is really a dying art :p)

Can you help me still cant do anything?

And my galery all locked why?

Hi, what exactly do you need help with?

found it thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

in 0.1.6 an image is missing, "images/home/littli_ulica/kendra_ivent_4_25.jpg"

defined as "image ab" in mini_games.rpy and only triggered when one selected "forbid to kiss" before (I misclicked, the only reason I noticed this issue :))

edited to add: thanks for the game, I like the story and art style a lot


Wow, I don't even know how that happened... Thank you so much for telling me

Deleted post

you should go to school once in a while

How much money does it take to give Kero?

Don't worry about it now, it doesn't matter. The story will continue in the update


I was going to ask if you want some help with the translation of the game because sometimes it's cringeworthy but first, mybe sort out your stereotyping a bit. There are two criminals in the game and, of course, they are the only two black characters, wtf is that about dude? If you want to be taken seriously as a game creator you need to get your head out of your ass and get with what's considered appropriate in the 21st century. 


Take your own advice. Not everyone lives in America or Western Europe.


That is false. There are other characters who have committed crimes. Assault, Breaking and entering, illegally entering the country, for example. They are white, female, and some even have animal ears. In fact, the percentage of criminals in the game that happen to be black is far below your american average. 

Take your offended drivel somewhere else, please. We're here for a fun game about sex and magic.

Deleted 2 years ago

You should attend 2-3 classes with Samantha to avoid problems. I will start writing a scene for the school principal the other day, and it will no longer be a problem for the MC.

(1 edit) (-1)

How do you check your grades? There's a girl, Nikki, in the school yard I can talk to and who asks if I want to check my grades but I don't get an option to do so. It just says "No. I'm just passing by..."
Currently the only way I can check it is by looking in the savefile.


There is a school board by Nikki side. If you click on it you will see the grades

I am an android user, when playing the game I can not see the suggestion of the Eldoran section, is it a good error due to the default game, and if it is an error, can I fix it?


I'm sorry, but I don't quite know what you mean.


when i press anyone

I get it now. This bug is fixed in the new update, I have no idea how it happened. The easiest thing to do is to wait for the public release

It move here


If you want to send me your save and I'll try to fix this error, I'm not sure if it will work, but I can try.


How do I send my save?

Guyz how to increase charisma in game


press the bathroom's mirror

(1 edit)

There is mission at the beginning that gain trust of 3 girls at back alley i already talk to them and already unlock there activities but still almost a more than 2 - 3 week in the game a but still nothing happen i cant even click there gallery since its always forward to main mission i dont how to progress.

I have tried many times to open the portal but it doesn't open at all

When you try to talk to Kendra in the morning after finishing the club and want to date her

Just click ignore

Thank you very much, fixed in the update

Bug after getting out of the jail in rob bank choice the same happens too when asking Katrina for help with the club

Just ignore it still works

Thank you very much, fixed in the update

Does it matter which choices you choose with the girls and if so can you add a affection counter for them?

I got this error after giving Littli chocolate for the first time:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/w/Ivents/Ivents_littli.rpy", line 54, in <module>

  File "game/script.rpy", line 88, in drop

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "Telephone.rpyc", line 194, in script call

  File "w/Ivents/Ivents_littli.rpyc", line 54, in script

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/w/Ivents/Ivents_littli.rpy", line 54, in <module>

  File "game/script.rpy", line 88, in drop

  File "renpy/", line 875, in do_mutation

    return method(self, *args, **kwargs)

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list



Corrupted World 0.1.5-public-beta

Tue Mar 29 23:13:54 2022


Hi. At what point in the game did you get this error?


 The only way I can seem to describe it is when you first unlock the map. I went to the café, talked to Mia, went to the supermarket, bought chocolate, chose the city walk, went to the house, and went on from there. I apologize for the lack of information. 

(quick) save information below if that'd give you more information:

I use windows 11 x64 if that could cause issues


just got this error after having sex with Rachel both times I've done it

Thank you very much will be fixed in the next update


just got this error after coming back from the bank heist when both characters go to bed


excellent upgrade, thanks a lot and keep up the great work!

I found one tiny bug: You translated one variable to English and the game crashes.

In tl/eng/w/Ivents/Ivents_magazin.rpy:

gg "(Damn, that's right, she said that [eric] was asking her to date.)"

-> should be [erik], not [eric] :D


Thank you very much will be fixed in the next update

Hello Fessix! How are u? I'm a big fan of this type of games and I'm starting to make my own! But... Can you tell me what software you are using to make the characters (naked if possible)?

Thank you and I'm excited to see more of your game on future versions!

Hi there are so many tools for creating character models. Blender/Daz Studio/HS and many others

Is pregnancy going to be part of this game?

I was thinking about pregnancy, it might drag out the plot scenes, and I also don't know what to do with the kids afterwards xD

I’m stealing this concept from another game I’m playing, but they either put them in a ‘daycare’ and add to the parents plots including them or send them to an alternate dimension if you want to impregnate them again (not my thing, but for those who did want to do it), you do have the portal all in place already lmao.

I assume another map location or a back area (like the storage room in the club) would work.

Totally stolen from Corrupted Kingdoms, but its a basic concept you could make your own with.

Personally I don’t think it fits into the story well here, but it would fill a void for a fetish, so eh. I figured giving you a basic idea to throw around in your head couldn’t hurt.

Playing both games atm, and enjoying both. anyone who hasn’t tried that game, its definitely worth a look.

(1 edit) (+1)

I know the game is pretty much all about mind controlling all the girl and so consent is kinda dubious in general, but I really wish we weren't forced to actually rape Littli.  

At least with the other girls, they're normally willing and eager, Littli literally said to stop and that she didn't want this.

I'm not sure what you mean, but if I'm right, the MC can't use his power on Littli


MC not being able to use their power on Littli doesn't matter. MC wakes up from a sex dream about their family, and then forces Littli into sex after her saying to stop and that she doesn't want it. That's rape. Just because she "enjoyed" it, doesn't make it any less rape. Her "ruining" a sexy dream doesn't make it any less rape. 

MC has sex with Littli by force and without her consent, just think how people would react if a male character did that to MC. It's the same thing with MC doing it to Littli. 

If you want to keep this forced sex scene in the game, I'd suggest at least making in optional whether it effects the stories or not.

Ah, now I get it. I wouldn't call that scene rape. It's not that she was against it, she just didn't expect the MC to do it.


Not expecting it would be fine if she didn't say to stop and and that she didn't want to have sex. Saying stop and that she doesn't want it, means she doesn't want it and that she is against it, and that's what makes it rape. Just because it wasn't violent or anything doesn't change that.

If she hadn't said to stop and that she didn't want it, if she had instead said she was happy that he surprised her then I wouldn't have any problem with it.

If the game going forward doesn't treat this as a rape scene, and if there are no similar rape scenes, fine. But please be more careful and clear in future. 

What you intend is one thing, what you write and show in the game is another


Thank you very much! I will keep that in mind in the future.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Thats pretty low to bring your RL politics into a "fantasy porn game"  They both have a special connection and they wouldnt hurt each other.  If anything I feel like they dont sexs enough (outside of the transfer blow job)   I think you should be asking for a choice here to skip the scene, rather than complain about it being wrong. 

It's not about "RL politics", if you'd read all my comments you'd know it's about player agency. If you want to be able to rape characters in the game fine, but don't force that on all players. Make it an option, not just an option to watch it or not.

You can't say "They both have a special connection and they wouldn't hurt each other" if what is shown in the game directly contradicts that.

Also, my complaint is like if I was complaining about forced NTR content or any other content that lots of people don't like.


When the heck did rape become politics? I think you need to sit down and reevaluate your life buddy.

(8 edits) (+1)

Ugh.... , its clear they have a relationship or bond already.  Merly was getting her in the mood and by the end of it she fucking loved it.  Common practice between people who are close to be intimate..  Yet your are bringing your whole rape politics into this scene just because your feelings got hurt and probably because what twitter tells you.   You need to reevaluate why you play these type of games. Instead of lecturing the dev hes doing rape.  Going forward, its clear the MC has a power thats going to make girls fall for him, so you better leave now. Unless you plan to stay and whinge /shrugs

(6 edits) (+1)

The last update 1.4, I get this feeling my save game must be messed up a little. Some events repeat or feel bugged by my gut instinct. The stats dont reflect properly too.  It might be because I've played through the game over a series of updates and havent really completed the club since it takes so long to build and do anything with it, that something went wrong in my save file ?.  Not entirely sure.  I might need a fresh playthrough/new game ?  

After playing the 1.4 update, I knew we were close to the red head cheerleader, but were we so close to the others already ? Maybe because their events continued on now, I may of forgotten. 

As for going to the new world, I actually grateful you gave us a scene seckzing the queen, that was muh~, beautiful~.    The control got dispelled, but im assuming we left some hooks in her for future corrupting events ^_~ The same way I feel about her white headed Knight.  And on her topic, escaping the Queen, we gave her a full blast of energy. By her look on her face, I felt like it put her into super heat (re-awakening her from the last encounter ?).  But we simply made our escape and nothing happened.  But I see on the game page, theres a gift image of her in game, of us fucking her ?  Did I miss this somewhere ?  I never encountered this scene ?  I for sure would of tried to choose options to conquer her.  So im a little confused if I missed somewhere, or maybe its just game advertisement.

Oh yeah and lastly, that dam teacher is so dam annoying.  just makes me waste a whole day. which increases the chances she does the same shit the next week.  I find it annoying being honest. Telling her to get fucked, just means you can no longer access the school. Even tho I at least turn up for afternoon classes, it seems to mean nothing.  Cant you give us an option to sneak in, or jump the fence ?


If you send me your preservation, I can check everything.

Unfortunately, I haven't done the content for the other cheerleaders yet.

The scene with Remy is a Halloween event, you can watch it on the computer at the club.

Funny idea with the teacher, I'll see what I can do ^^

Very extensive review, thank you!

i played till here and got stuck.. how to continue?? 

Hi, in the update I rewrote the code for this point in the game. Also for scenes that may be missed there are additional hints

(1 edit)

I have missed some scenes in the gallery with Mia. Is there a way to unlock them or i just completely missed them? The same goes for some other characters as well. Also how do i get other photos, they  are jsut giving some excuses.

There will be tips for these events in the update

how to complete the club renovation

This is a story event

emm maybe Im finish the game.. in sex scene with Queen.. and help Litthi and Mom.. emm then i try to come to other world and talk with 2 girl.. and that's it.. it finish ?.. or i can continue work in that world to get coin ?

the text frame blocks the scenes, can it be minimized?

Hi, you can remove it completely by pressing H

i don't quite understand how to continue this event. i am stuck

and then i look here. and then becca. not helpful at all. it's confusing.

Finish the events with the 3 girls in the alley, and keep trying to open the portal. It takes about 6 times

plz help, im stuck at the club renovations, cant get past, one girl is sitting on the couch and the other 2 cant progress, i have save file but dont know how to send


Can you download the save on mega and send me the link?

You have to call the construction company to get a quote for the repairs first.

where do you call the construction company from? I pulled up the cell phone and went to the office, no luck.

You first need to ask the lady at the clothing store for the number of the contractor she used. 

Please give me password to unlock event scene with elsa,elaine,and kate 🙏🙏

Im done finsih game, i can help you fiinish renovation club, hack laptop kate, 


How do I check club's popularity?

After bedtime on Monday, you can see the report of the club



so whats the deal with that quiz for lisa? ive tried every answer and none of them work. whats the point of a school quiz in a porn game anyway? 


You gotta actually use your brain. If you get correct answers, you get to unlock a scene with Lisa. Next day, do the same thing, get another scene. Just three scenes till now tho.


The questions were easy to answer though.

Yep. As far as I remember, it was simple maths and some history

What are the answers for lias questions?

Edy just press answer no 1 everytime

You can google it up


Like google up the question, not "lisa quiz answer"

how do i get access to the club? Mia is telling me to fiinish Bonny's events and then Bonny is telling me to finish Littli's events then to go to her office in the morning then Littli is telling me to open the portal and enter it then when i go to Becca its telling me to go through Bonny's events to unlock the club but i dont see a clu

Well the club is locked. I think you need to have subjagation level of 6 with Bonnie (click the heart in the top right and then click on Bonnie.  Look through each of the stats and locate subjagation level .The subjagation level increases when you do some act with the girl). Also check out the hint of each girl, helps out a lot

(1 edit)

Same problem here my subjugation is at 9 but it says finish littli's event first also when i tried to learn a new skill it says i need more energy but it's on 100

Try to sleep, or give Littli a chocolate.

When the android update coming out and how do I check club popularity

Hi! I used to play this game before, now i don't know whats happening anymore. I finished bonnie's event and it says finish litli's  events then when i finished it, litli's events says finish bonnie's events then when i look at bonnie's events nothing changes it still says finished litli's events.

Lmfao actually nevermind! I forgot that i need to go into her office after i finished litli's events.. well u see there are so many events after i finished bonnie's so i kinda forgot about it.. anw nice game good job devs!

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