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would love a bit of help actually.  I have intellect up at 107. Becca corruption at 9. Mia has a crush on me and a couple of sex things like, kiss and masterbation with her, but cannot do anything else with her until you update etc etc.  however I have a problem with being stuck in a circle with becca. In that i am helping her with her documents and in return she offers me masterbation or a blowjob, except this is all she does, i go to the supermarket buy chocolate for the cat lady, she eats it, gives me a blowjob and i am back at full power, then its back to the cafe see becca and help her with documents.  

according to to littli or whatever, i gained my second spell, but i cant use it or even practice it, basically its the same power spell i originally got, so if i cant practice with it or use it, whats the point in it?` I also dont seem to be able to any kind of portal for becca and step through it?   This is what the cat lady wants me to do, except there is absolutely no way this achieveable? i need some help here please. thanks.

If I understand correctly, you need to try a few more times to open the portal. Sooner or later you will succeed, and the MC should enter it. Then tell the Lit

problem is, i am not getting any option to open any portal or anything. basically i am just going to and from becca doing her paperwork and thats it, aside from topping up my power. do i just keep on doing paperwork endlessly and eventually i will get the option to open a portal`?

Becca is a popadan standing in an alley, you have to try to open the portal about 6-8 times. With the help of the documents you will help in Bonnie's cafe.

like i said i am just going back and forth between her and doing the paperwork etc.  I think something must have bugged. Originally I did have the alley after the 3 cat girls chased after the mc,  and he went back and opened a portal for them and they went through it, when i went back to the alley later on a few days later, nothing was there nothing to interact with.   A couple days ago, i decided to carry on with this vn and got to the becca paperwork cycle, however for some strange reason the alley has completely disappeared, it no longer there for me even as a place anymore.  I really dont know why, and becca does nothing except the same things over and over with paperwork. got tedious and i gave up, because something is wrong, i dont know if i should have actually seen those 3 cat girls as early as i did and send them through the portal and thats why now i cannot do anything.

okay thank you. i have helped her more than a dozen times with her paperwork, but now i seem to have lost the alley on the map completely, its vanished.

I think the problem i have encountered is because i may have done things out of sequence.  I did the becca portal not that far into the game, however it took me a while to get infomatics up,  got extremely friendly with mia,  and with bonny its just paperwork after paperwork, however the alley soon disappeared too.  When I have tried to tell littile anything all i get is i am busy despite the fact i sent those 3 cat girls back home near the beginning.  If this is the case, and this can happen, is there anyway to actually prevent this kind of mistake from happening again, so the player is prevented from doing certain things in some kind of sequence.  I feel after quite a few hours, the alley disappearing, i have completely and permanently hit a dead end because i really had no idea and still dont of any of the sequencies.

I will try again at some point again, i dont know if i am supposed to step through the portal or not or even if i can, and in which order must i send the girls back home again.  i am unsure what you can do to prevent this from happening to other players, because there is nothing worse than grinding like a big idiot because of my ignorance because i had no idea in which order i should even do things, also having to go into the character profiles and mousing over them and they just give a real lack of knowing what to do. I know your working hard on this avn and i am not critizing anything you have done either because i quite enjoy it, but it really could use as you have said in another post, its going to get some much needed qualify of life improvements, hopefully preventing the situation that i am in, from happening to loads more people, and hitting a rather permanent brickwall going around in effect a game over all but in name.  Like I said i really like what you have created here and i thank you for it as i am sure many other do too.  its simplicity is fantastic, the models and animation just great, although that said some of them look a bit washed out, but non the less a fantastic avn if you are able to fix its biggest issues in next update

thank you once again for a great game!


Not bad start. Animations are good, slight inconsistency when Characters use Euros one minute and Dollars the next, for example, Stepmom offers 100 Euros to MC and late book fine is 50 Dollars. Maybe a few grammar errors.

Other than that, keep up the good work.

Thank you for the feedback. I'll be sure to correct it.

The updated link still doesn't work. I get to the language selection screen and it crashes every single time. I'm trying to run it on a Galaxy note 10 running android 11. Any help you could give would be great. Really appreciate it.

Please try again to download, if again you can not, please write to me in discord.

The game doesn't work. I've installed the game twice using both links for Android (because i want to play it on Android) and it all goes well untill I open the game. The renpy loading screen shows up and then after its done loading, the screen just goes black and then the game closes. I've installed a lot of other games from itch without problems before so I don't know what the problem could be. For reference, my phone runs Android 10 if that has anything to do with it 

I updated the link to the android version. Please try again.


It works! Thank you so much, you're amazing. I'm looking forward to playing it.

I'm glad!

(1 edit)

Hi, every time I try to talk to Littli I get the reaction I'm busy now, at any time of the day any day of the week, also after for example the dimension door when you should be able to tell her for her quest, I can't. Is this an intended feature that I need to unlock talking at a later point or is this a bug?

Most likely you have not fulfilled some condition. 

the problem is, the game doesnt tell you what that condition is, unless you click the heart symbol and then mouse over little. in my case it tells me to open a portal for becca, which is completely impossible because there is zero way to do such a thing and no guidance either.  not sure if this is because i have reached the limit of the update, in which case it should tell me anyway or because there is a design flaw of the game.  It really should guide you, even in a simple way, but it doesn't and expects you to already know, which when your new to it can be a head banger. 

Hi. I am not very far into the game but have been enjoying it so far. One question though. Is there any way to prevent intellect from dropping to 20 every time you sleep in your bed?

Yes, of course. After you've progressed a little bit in the story. By the way, there will be an update tomorrow!


Thank you. Looking forward to the update.

I bought the pants preemptively before I got the quest path that requires it, but I cant seem to activate it even after getting until level 6. Any ideas why this could happen?

Hi! They are activated automatically after you talk to Litley. 

where is the wardrobe?

Hi. You don't need him if you've talked to Littley. That's enough.

Thanks you

Hey im a bit confused i dont know where i can get the pants for the bonnie quest

Hi. You need to get some pants in your phone, then talk to litley in a couple of days.


Is it just me or did you use the almost all female characters based off of highschool DxD lol 

( idk just wished there where more anime parody games more RPG with actual choices that effect the story most anime parody games that have cyoa is sooo linear that it kinda pointless because you always end up with same ending sorry for rant just wish there where more people who kinda actually try and be creative instead of what we see today in some fan made games.) 

anyways gonna see how this game is btw I'm playing on android mobile since I'm poor af rn  lol


Hi friend. I just started making the game. And it's all new to me. I'm really glad you're playing it. I also really like elections, but this is just the beginning of my project, and I'm experimenting in different directions.

Hi :)

would it be possible that you upload this game to itch itself? I like to only download the games that I'm currently playing and to delete the rest, and downloading them from itch itself allows me to do that without losing saves. 

I'm looking forward to playing!

(+1) limits the size of the game to 1gb. Although there seems to be a way to increase it, I'll think about it. Also, if you delete the game, all your saves will remain in the user folder. AppData

Thanks for the quick reply. 

It's definitely possible to host larger games, but it may cost money. I understand if you do not want to spend money on that, it would simply be convenient for me ;)

I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the folder.AppData. Is the folder the folder in which I save the game, or is that folder associated with the itch app? 


It's not a question of money :) I haven't figured out how downloads work yet. But I sent a request for how to increase the amount of memory. 


THIS IS AN BRILLIANT GAME, honestly when I was downloading this game I didn't expect anything amazing but This game blew off my expectations. Dude I'm telling you, you should invest into promoting this game. it has great potential

That's too flattering a review! Thank you so much! This is my 1st project. I don't know how to properly promote them yet.

(1 edit)

I don't know if anybody else is having this problem, but when I click on the little heart thing to get hints about what to do, I can't change between Earth and Eldoran, as whenever I click on Eldoran, the entire interface for that closes itself. I'm on mobile 

Apart from that, great game. 

This bug has already been fixed in the next update. It's coming very soon

A fucking great game. Nuff said mate. What u did is incredible. Keep up the good work. cheers to a great game in progress

Thank you so much for your review!

how to open to portal for becca ? 

Look at the hints in the upper right corner.

how to improve your power? I'm only stuck at 2, will there be events with all the teachers?, and what is going on with the online shopping app

The online shopping app will be moved to another location. For events for future updates, there are surveys on the Patreon channel open to all. The mother and sister house location is being added now.

can we have a replay/gallery?

I will definitely add it, but not in the next version.

Can you make an android download that isn't through mega? It's not working for me


when will there be a new update?

More than 40% of it is done.

Im exited 

What should I do if I want to take pictures?

 I plan to introduce the camera a little later. I have different ideas for its use, and I need to make a decision. I also want to create a gallery to view these pictures during the game. But that's hard to do, I'll probably have to ask artists to make a nice design.

I can't progress the cafe owners quest, I need help

You need to increase the level of computer science in the school library

how do I do that?

Are there any NTR in this?


Phew. Thinking this game had NTR cause of the title. Oh ya btw you should fix Bonnie text info.her tex info is over lapping with the hint making it pretty hard to read the hint.

Oh. Thanks, I'll take a look.

I have downloaded the android version, wont let me click on anything.

Hello. I do not know what could be the reason, maybe you have an old version of android. Everything works fine for me.

Samsung had an update pushing it to Android 11 which broke a lot of Android games. Might have to do with that.


Hm. I've only played about 5 minutes but it's not too bad. However I'd only give it a 5/10 because the Colossally oversized tits are eyesores. They're stupid and disgusting. I did pay for it so iI'll keep it. I hope in the future you shrink the monstrous, absurd tits down to proper proportions. 20-30B/32C for the daughters and Maybe 40D for the mother. You don't need 85 lb head crusher wrecking ball tits. How ludicrous.


keep your realism to reality, and not in a game


There are many different characters in the game with different breast sizes) 

Deleted post

Friends, let's close this subject. It will no longer be possible to change the size of the breasts. Besides, there are scenes created for them, and such breasts are just necessary. If you like characters with small breasts, they are also present in the game.

Deleted post

The game can have whatever tits it wants. Like the person below me said, keep your realism to reality and not in a game.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi! Added a link to the mega.

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm having a problem with trying to install the virus. Do i need something for it or do i need a certain amount of intelligence?


You need to increase the level of computer science in the school library

Ok, Thank you

nice game and for the first time i find a italian translate great job man (with a lot of error but np)...till now its all good if u ask me...cant wait for the netx update

Thank you very much. This is a translation from a fan. I'm very glad you liked it!

quest are easy to understand,graphics is not bad,storyline till now is great,nice that u have to train your skills up,funny that u have 2 world quest to do,really good job man....the only one problem????we wanna have a looooooooots more to game it :P   something like 4 or 5 upgrade togheter :P

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